Decor Elements

Look what I made last night! Isn't it gorgeous? This is the new Season of Thanks Decor Elements (available October 1st). I saved the curl accent for another project.
You can download the brochure here: Mine is chocolate. Item # 114883 and is $14.95 plus tax and shipping. I have it hanging on the wall in my living room. Feel free to stop and take a look on the way through.
I will be bringing it along to my library class (South Haven, IN. branch on 700 N.) on the 18th as well. Be sure to drop in and make some cards. Walk-ins welcome We will be making 3. A Fall or Halloween, a birthday, and a thank you. Cost: $5
I really love the Decor Elements and how I can add elegant decorations to my home without spending a lot of money. I will be able to use this year after year.
I also love how I can add a statement or a decoration. to my wall for a low cost too. When the statement no longer applies or I just want something else, off it comes. Just wipe the down the wall to remove settled dust, let dry and your wall is all ready for the next design. This especially nice if you're using the Nursery Neccessities pieces. Just peel, wipe down and be ready for the next 'age of youth'.