Fancy Friends in February

Want to try stamping? Don't have a lot of cash or space? Want to keep it simple? This is for you. This is my class in February!. You can join me and get bonus ideas or do it on your own. It's $20 and that includes this full kit and a glue stick and you'll pick that up from me. Live in a different state? Then you can order it from my website and I'll give you the item number for the glue sticks and extras so you can make more. They'll ship it directly to you for a little more than ordering direct from me. Than I'm always here through the phone or computer for questions and extra ideas. Cheaper than the craft store and still get full customer service. You can't beat that with a stick. Order the kit on your own from my website (link on left) or email/call me and I'll order it on a workshop. It will get delivered to me and I'll bring it to the class or you can pick it up from me. Fancy Friends Kit- 132319- (Contains 2 wood mount stamps, rhines...