My Digital Studio

I really love our program, My Digital Studio or MDS for short. I know it's on the computer and that I like bumpy things but there are many things to love about it. I can design cards or pages and see what I like or not about them before sitting down to play. I can make cards, print them and add my own personal touches to them so they are bumpy, just like I like them to be. I don't waste paper. No need to cut, trim, stamp, etc on paper and then have to throw it in the scrap box and hope it finds another home later. I get ALL the ink colors. I get all the colors of ribbon from each set I can print multiples for invitations, holiday cards and other options where I might want to have 20 or more of the same design. Stamp (brush sets) are cheaper. They all fit on my computer or at least I can fit the CDs all in one small place I can own sets that I wouldn't usually get for whatever reason I also get sets that I already own to try new things with them I get more DSP ...